Tuesday, December 7, 2010


in my 19 years on this earth i have come to realize a few things.  one of those things is that studying is not at the top of my list of "enjoyable" activities.  it's just not.  however, there are a few things that make it slightly more enjoyable, and at the moment those things are:

1. Tazo Chai Tea

2. an awesome iTunes playlist

3. and snackboxes provided by the UNT Parent Association

with the help of these 3 things i'm hoping to make it through the rest of dead week and finals week.  eep!

in other news, i have an interview tomorrow at 12:30 for BSM leadership.  i'm praying that it goes well and that the Lord places the correct people on the hearts of those choosing the leadership team.

that is all i have to say.  i know this is a pretty lame post but i needed a study break.  don't judge.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the studying is going well as you head into the last week of class and then finals. Just think... you're almost finished with your first semester AND halfway through your first year!

