Saturday, July 16, 2011


my job is nuts.  i wake up before 6 and i'm usually not in bed until 12:30 or later, i live out of 2 suitcases, i take showers in school locker rooms, i eat cafeteria food almost every day, and i spend more time printing out documents than i do getting ready in the morning.  but honestly, i wouldn't want to be spending my summer any other way.  i have been blessed with such an amazing job and ministry opportunity with some of the coolest people on the planet.  it only takes hearing stories about 1 person's salvation out on a work site or seeing the joy on a homeowner's face when a project is complete to make all the work i do completely worth while.

that's all i have to say...

except for this, "As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work." - John 9:4


  1. I like it!


  2. There really is nothing like hearing those wonderful stories of salvation for home owners or the youth we invest our summer into. :) Love that verse too!!
